Hola em dic Pitu, sóc diplomat en turisme i he treballat en agencia de viatges 10 anys, des del 2015 ens hem reinventat i amb la meva esposa Isma ens dediquem a allotjar-vos, al llarg d’aquests anys hem conegut molta gent i és una experiència genial!Tenim 2 fills, l’Alexandra i en Jaume. Ens encanta viatjar, el mar i la muntanya!
Hi! My name is Pitu, I have a degree in tourism, and I’ve been working as a travel agent for 10 year. We enjoy traveling and meeting new people from all over the world. I live with my wife Isma, our daughter Alexandra and our son Jaume wich was born in 2021.
We enjoyn traveling, the mountain, and the sea!
Hope to meet you soon!